Last updated there is January 3, 2020
Pokémon Go returns with an event at the beginning of the year: Hatchathon 2020. The coaches of the game now have more motivation than ever to start the year with more rhythm and place these eggs in incubators so they start to hatch. Here's what you need to know about the event.
What to do
The event takes place from January 2 at 13:00nd HNP ending January 16 at 13:00nd HNP. During the period of time, you receive twice as many rewards Pokémon Candy and Stardust after hatching an egg.
Your global goal is 50 km before the end of the event to receive:
- 50000 STARDUST
- 15 rare candies
- A stone unova
You want to constantly put eggs in incubators while walking with Pokemon Go Active. Eggs have special rewards and Pokémon with a unique look are available inside them.
Exclusive items
The eggs you hatch during Hatchaton 2020 have the chance to produce a unique Pokémon with an exclusive look for the new year.
- 2 km eggs can contain a pichu or a chenipotte with a party hat
- 7 km eggs can contain a pichu with a party hat
Beyond these items, you have the opportunity to buy a pair of 2020 specifications in the Styles shop. You can recover them for 160 pokcoins in the "glasses" section.
Event Pokémon
While you walk, you may notice a two-star raid in the gymnasiums. These places also have exclusive pokemon at the event, such as Rattatac and Quilbutoke wearing a party hat. You and your friends can work together to try to eliminate them during the event.
Attention, you may notice an exclusive pikachu in nature also carrying a party hat. You will have to move to locate them, so check the areas you will usually find electric type pokemon, such as industrial buildings, colleges and drier climates.
In addition, all Pokémon Party Hat (Pichu, Chenipotte, Quilbutoké, Rattac and Pikachu) all have shiny versions. If you are lucky to find one of the savages, be sure to rush after them when you see them.
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