A Siamese fighting fish finds a glitch in Pokémon Sapphire, which never seems to be not at any other player. How the streamer animal has made this and what it is about, you will learn here. After Twitch Plays Pokémon come fish At the latest after the Internet breaking experiment Twitch Plays Pokémon a few years ago, it was clear: on streaming platforms is still one or the other sloping Let's play . For example, on the human chat, a series of fish should soon follow a series of fish Trying on various Pokémon games. One of these fish is Lala, from the Youtube Channel Mutekimaru Channel. The fishowner and operator of the canal leaves his Siamese fighting fish Currently Pokémon: Sapphire play. For this, it only needs a grid indicating the directions of the arrow keys as well as A and B and a tracking camera that tracks the movement of the fish and transfers into the game as Kotaku reports. How does a fish catch a Pokémon Glitch? For several months, Lala has been trying to P