Evolutions of Pokémon has debuted its fourth episode! As part of the massive celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Pokémon franchise, which has included characters as a new series of anime that explores the past regions of the franchise, a new era of collective card game, new video game releases and even collaborations . With several recording artists for a special anniversary album, there has been a number of new shorts that explore the other characters and regions that we have rarely seen explored in the anime franchise, and each episode highlights a different generation.
The first three episodes of this special web series have previously explored the regions of Galar, Alola and Kalos, and the most recent episode of the Pokémon Evolutions the series has returned with an approach in the Telelia region. Titled The Plan , the fourth episode of the series focuses on the twisted relationship between Ghesti of the plasma team and the Mysterious N, and how the young man became the fearsome Zekrom coach we know in the full game. Now we have obtained a completely animated vision of how this could have been. Take a look at a glance from the official YouTube of Pokémon:
The eight episode web series of Pokémon Evolutions will continue to explore different facets of each region as it continues, and the current calendar for current and remaining episodes is broken down as such (causing the last four regions we will see play and when):
«The Champion» (Region of Galar) - September 9 «The Eclipse» (Alola Region) - September 23 «The Visionary» (Kalos Region) - October 7 «The plan» (Teselia region) - October 21 «The rival» (Sinnoh Region) - December 2 «The Wish» (Hoenn Region) - December 9 «The Show» (Johto Region) - December 16 «The Discovery» (Kanto Region) - December 23
Evolutions of Pokémon is just a small fraction of how much Pokémon is celebrating its monumental 25th anniversary, and it is a fun way to remember how far the franchise has arrived since its debut. This also demonstrates how many stories you have to count through the anime, so I hope this is just the beginning of some more anime experiments in the future! But what do you think?
How are you enjoying Evolutions of Pokémon episodes so far? Which region is more excited to see in this new way in future episodes? Let us know all your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even communicate with me directly about all animated things and other interesting things. @Valdezology on Twitter!
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