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Pre-orders Pokémon 2021-2022 on Switch: Catch

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond as well as Pokémon Radiating Pearl are upcoming 2021 remakes of the 2006 Nintendo DS role-playing computer game Pokémon Diamond and also Pearl. The games belong to the eighth generation of the Pokémon video clip game series and are being established by ILCA and released by Nintendo as well as The Pokémon Firm for the Nintendo Switch. The games are arranged to launch on 19 November 2021. They were revealed as part of the Pokémon 25th Anniversary event, alongside Pokémon Legends: Arceus. They are the very first major Pokémon games not to be developed by Game Fanatic.

A forced reference. This is all that the arrival of 3 - yes, three - entries to the catalog Pokémon on Switch in pre-order aroused, as it represents a diversity of offer sometimes difficult to follow even for the oldest and oldest of us. Fortunately, grandpasse granny is there to help you see more clearly. Planned out of the end of this year and the beginning 2022, it is never too early to reserve its copies, if only a stupid-beast.

Legends Pokémon: Arceus

Expected at the moment on January 28, 2022 For the moment, Legends Pokémon: Arceus , Developed by Game Freak, will completely against the current trends of the Switch, far from the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Other immortals Fenyx Rising to offer an open open experience , open for the moment on the Falls of framerate , granny note in any legendary malice. Other than that, expect to find critters such as Brindibou, Héricèrere or Moustillon. By then, informed fans, you can place your reservation here:

Where to order?


Legends Pokémon: Arceus - Trailer

Legends Pokémon: Arceus

Game Freak


Our price comparison

Nintendo Switch











Pokémon Diamant Sparkling

A little less far from the present, sparkling diamond Pokémon is developed by the ILCA studio and was announced for the 19th of November of this year, as its twin to follow below, also remake of an old title of franchise. Here, logically, it's diamond Pokémon on DS we're talking about. Simple, basic. Place your money options below:

Where to order?


Pokémon Diamond Spinning - Official Trailer Pokémon Presents

Sparkling diamond pokemon



Our price comparison

Nintendo Switch







Pokémon glittering pearl

Unsurprisingly, Pokémon Pearl glitter , redesign of Pokémon Pearl on DS is also the game. Does it need to remember that the three starting Pokémon are Tortipouss, Ouisticaram and Tiplouf? As for the legendary Pokémon, it is called Palkia in this edition, and Dialga in sparkling diamond Pokémon. If you know why you prefer the pearl and only the pearl rather than the diamond, no worry, it's here.

Where to order?


Pokémon Slitter Pearl - Trailer Pokémon Presents

Pokémon glittering pearl



Our price comparison

Nintendo Switch









Pack Duo Pokémon Diamond Spinning and Scintillating Pearl

Further in the trip , if the desire took you to buy the two sparkling diamond Pokémon and sparkling pearl, you would not spend for a forever since the phenomenon exists so much that the Pack duo of the same name exists too, for a sum simply added, without reduction. Follow the guide.

Where to order?

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[Games Purchasing Guide] Switch: Our Best Games Purchasing Guide


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