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Top 5 of the Great Olympic Games on Consoles - The Tommer Retro Blog

That's it, we are there! After five years of waiting, an exceptional period due to a particularly sensitive and upset international health context is the return of the Olympic Games. This big sports party and sponsors, who will see us fascinate for trampoline, grass hockey or pigeon shooting. And this time, as you can see on all your TVs, the event takes place in Japan, the country of sport ... videoludic above all! It is naturally not a coincidence, if from 2016, it is a cebrissime plumber that hosted delirious crowds around the world to extend to Japan, this unique experience that constitutes the great adventure of modern Olympism. Lack of luck for our Japanese friends and sports enthusiasts from around the world, the pandemic has been reason for the party, and it is almost eight closed that all the flagship tests of these Olympiads. A good reason after all, to stay close to us, in order to enjoy the values ​​of the sport, comfortably installed in its living room ... but the event is, at the time when I write these lines, almost already finished . It will then take to prolong the pleasure, turn to ... the video game!

It's a certainty, if these Tokyo 2021 Olympics will not be the most memorable, it only takes you to continue the party and make it even more beautiful. And what better for that to try some video games from the country of the rising sun? Absolutely nothing. The spirit of Olympism is logically very well represented on consoles, and through the eras, the greatest developers have always sought us to revive the most beautiful moments of these moments of world fraternity. What's better indeed, than to use his thumbs by force of hammering on the buttons A and B of his repetitive joystick, in order to better run or swim faster, to jump higher or to launch this sataney Javelin ever more far. Every four years, in the wake of the Olympic Games, many proposals have been flourished in order to make us sweat in large castes, and always in joy and good mood. On the way without further waiting towards the highest peaks of Mount Olympus videoludic. What title will reflect the so desired gold medal of this top 5 of the biggest titles featuring Olymic Games on consoles? Ready, set, go !

Number 5: Virtua Athlete 2K on Dreamcast

The Dreamcast, with its beautiful white dress, leads us to the other end of the world, in Sydney more precisely to make us live the Olympic Games of the year 2000. We will have survived a computer bug that seems inevitable for some months more Early, to better project us into the third millennium and delights. This edition which will have particularly PLU, the hourly offset, to the early risers, will have been mainly an opportunity for SEGA, and its team of internal development of Hitmaker, to provide us with a Virtua athlete 2k allowing us to relive the greatest moments of These Olympiads. A little chick with its contents, with only seven trials at the counter, the title nevertheless relies on an honest realization, and on the talent of Sega which clearly invites us at a moment of relaxation and frank fungus with friends. Is this the best game in the genre? Certainly not. Succeeded are bet to have fun, and allow four grass athletes to confront on the track, with repeated pressures on the rugged buttons on your dreamcast joystick? A thousand times yes! Once again, Sega pulls his gamepin with his sense of derision. The names of our athletes are as unlikely as ridiculous, and their services can easily make the costs of your imperfect mastery to the controller, to better cover them with shame. In Virtua Athlete 2K, it is quite possible to continue running like an idiot on the sand of the length jump track, to see your friends sitting next to you, leave in a great laugh. Admit that it is above all that one asks for this type of game! For performances, and for the variety, we will iron, which decently does not allow the title to pretend to obtain a better place within the classification of the day. But for the golden gold medal, you know it's with this title of Sega that you will be filled.

Number 4: Capcom Gold Medal Challenge '92 on NES

We continue our ranking with another sector giant which is trying to exercise on NES, on the occasion of the Olymic Games of Barcelona which take place in 1992. A year which marks the last moments of a venerable 8 bit. Officie still valiantly in the living rooms of the world. Capcom is not mistaken, and offers a pleasant contour title, which invites the confrontation in the form of frank camaraderie. The well named Capcom Gold Medal Challenge '92 invites us, through some tests of athletics, swimming and gymnastics, to pick up this famous gold medal that handles us, at the end of this hard work. A good panel of the great nations of the sport his represented, and with his twenty test, the title does not have to blush from the competition, far from it. Offering parts up to eight players, who will be able to take the handle in hand alternately, the friendliness is put. However, to hope to touch a record of the world, in the swimming pool or on the track, you will need to have a formidable capacity to literally machine the buttons on your controller. Yes, in _Capcom Gold Medal Challenge '92, _ in the image of what many of its competitors offers, the Button Mashing as it is called in the language of Shakespeare, is here more than rigor. Capcom does not forget the essentials, however, with an achievement at the height of the event, the graphics are fine and colorful, the atmosphere music integrates perfectly with regard, and the animations of our dear athletes, convincing. You have to see our riders take back their breath after an intense effort, or greet the crowd after a triple jump successful, to understand that everything is done here to put the player comfortable, and have a nice moment. We simply regret that the game to several be limited to two players simultaneously. It is necessary to admit that a 110 meters hedges with two athletes, it makes a little empty ... but limitations of the console oblige, we satisfy this little subterfuge, in the end without too much consequences on the quality of this very good game , worthy of counting us the most beautiful exploits of Marie José Perec and others. A chocolate medal so, but especially a nice place within this ranking!

Number 3: International Track & Field on PS1

After Sydney and Barcelona, ​​let's talk a little Coca Cola. No pardon, let's talk a little about Atlanta, this city against all odds, manages to obtain the right to organize in 1996, the XXVIth Olympic Games of Modern History. With an inauguration that vogues between emotion and terror, the United States is staged to celebrate their greatest athletes. The LORD Carl Lewis, or the Michael Johnson locomotive are the stars of the track of these Olympiads, and Konami, always on the lookout, understood it, he who decides to focus his efforts on the only tests of Athletics in this international track & field. Hammer your buttons with strength and rage, in order to run like a champion, that's what this game offers well-known outlines of lovers. We do not change a formula that wins and in this, Konami makes a bit of an eternal sponsor of the Olympic Games, like a famous brand of all powerful soda ... yet, beyond a certain Classicism, hides behind this _international track & field _and its eleven trials dedicated to the gods of the track, a beautiful proposal, all the more attractive when it is practiced in multiplayer. This may seem common today, but in 1996, promise a game playable in four automatically a title, with a potentially decupled fun. And obviously it's several that the game is particularly shining. The realization is at the height of the event, and the technical know-how of Konami, here in the service of brilliant and intense cessions of competition, remains intact. Hard to find better animated athletes and made on 32 bit consoles. This is an evolution of an excellent game of the 80s, which is pleased to see, and which transports us without efforts, at the heart of the Olympic Games, as few titles are capable. With such a pedigree, the bronze medal, widely deserved, returns to Konami. Bravo to him!

Number 2: Athlete Kings on Saturn

Lee Kiefer wins USA's first-ever gold medal in individual foil | Tokyo Olympics | NBC Sports However, the year 1996 was actually marked by a terrible competition with Sega, who decides to draw his own vision of the Olympic Games, athete kings, _ on a new Saturn. And if this title only offers a mere option two simultaneous players on each of his tests, he has the right tone to do just about everything, a little better than his direct opponent on PS1. The modeling of the characters and the charisma of these, small grain of madness made in Sega obliges, make it a title at the attraction right now without equivalent to 32 bit. We must see the mimics and the incredible absolutes of our proud national representatives. Crisis of laughter guarantee. The entertainment, in sixty images per second, always in the tunnel, form a subtle mix between technique devilishly well controlled, while knowing that pretending this semblance of ridiculous as soon as the situation requires it. The limit between art and bad taste is fine, but Sega always falls on the right side of the barrier. This is also the case of use of colors that can at first disconcert, but who ultimately helps readability, while adding if there is still a small side offset. In short, you understood it, the realization is irreproachable, and the game does not take itself seriously. And this for our greatest happiness, because that's what Sega knows how to do better. Around his ten events, are all very classic with regard to the atmosphere that reigns on _atlete kings, we have fun like a little crazy to press repeatedly on his buttons with as much anger as possible. Beat your direct opponent, and better, erase tablets a world record that has long been titillary are moments of intense and memorable joy. Already proudly represented here, Sega doubles so the bet and gets a very beautiful silver medal within this ranking. Because even though it reaches its objectives with atlete kings, it's time to return to Caesar, which belongs to Caesar ...

Number 1: Track & Field 2 on NES

And this gold medal, indisputably, I can only award it at Track & Field 2. The Konami game that broke more brakes than all the other securities gathered from the still important Ludothèque of the console. The game relies on a know-how already convincing, and a desire for Konami, to put the small dishes in the big ones, on the occasion of the holding of the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul. Rather, rather, qunize events that go to pigeon shooting, the dive, passing through the canoe, the asymmetric bars, the launch of the hammer ... and other even more atypical tests. An entire program ! Konami is even visionary, including Taekwondo in the list of official sports, while it will become Olympic discipline than more than a decade later. With as many variety on the program, difficult to complain. Especially since the title is demanding, and that he asks for a great mastery before inviting you to confront you with these famous records of the world, which appear at the start, unattainable. Initiator of the big fashion hammering mode, his big brother _track & field_name, will have introduced a climate of demand and dexterity that will make you easily lose the nerves. Pressing Quickly on this Satan A button to aquate the speed sufficient to exceed the 10 meters during the triple jump event will soon become a second nature, on pain of joining the long list of joyrolle breakers. To see your friends trying with envy in turn to exercise and planting lamentably, you will keep the smile for sure. _Track & field 2 establishes such a state of competition and camaraderie, that it embodies in this neither more nor less than what Olympism offers more beautiful, and when the realization gives off such a class, we do not resist the Want to revive again and again on the assault. The most beautiful is to participate as this dear Baron said, but it is when Konami wins, that everyone is happy.

Here we are there, the podium is established, and it is time to listen to Konami's Hyme resonate in the stadium in delirium. The 80s and 90s were rich in securities representative with the Olympic Games. In reality they constitute a golden age of a kind that then turned off the turn of the millennium. Whoever has undeniably undoubtedly undertook to maintain the flame is still and always Sega, in a completely different context though. The athletes gave way to Sega mascots, and in an improbable competition of circumstance to those of Nintendo. The _Mario & Sonic series at the Olympic Games thus since 2007, and come out of great pomp on all the Nintendo consoles of the time to assist at first the Beijing Olympics in 2008. Commercial plebiscite, experience will be renewed for all subsequent Olympiads, and will leave little room for competition. It must be said that to make shadow in Mario, Sonic and Consort, you have to get up early!

However, SEGA does not abandon any hope of staging real athletes, and offers with London 2012, a pleasant game, in the minds of the titles of yesteryear, with a content revised upwards. It renews the experience in 2019, with a view to the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, with a little less successful and success. No, decided, if we do not want to embody a video game mascot, it will be necessary to turn to older titles. This will thus note the presence of a fairly good international track & field: Summer Games, which perpetuates the tradition of the Konami series on 32 and 64 bit consoles. Finally, for the eternal thirsty sports, the titles that stage the Olympic Winter Games, such as Winter Heat of Sega or Konamin Nagano_ still and always have strong arguments. But this is another story, which can be explored together in ... 2022, on the occasion of the next Olympic Winter Games. Waiting for...

Do not hesitate to remember here your best instants of high-level sportsman, handle in hand, or why not, your most beautiful launched joystick on the wall that faces your TV. To be doubted, a future Olympic sport. If you are not ahead of the Button Mashing, you will also be able to mention your greatest memories to the true Olympic games, like this unlikely Deliberti Fatali, the introductory theme of Final Fantasy 8, by the team of Sychronized Swimming of the United States in 2004 in Athens.

* And very quickly for a new top 5, or we will talk, been forced, 8 bit games made under the emblem of the sun ... *


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